Why Consultants and Freelancers Love Standard Time Timesheets

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Because you're a consultant, you have to bill clients for your time. That's your livelihood. Good choice! You're in good company.

And that's why we built this time tracking app -- for you. A huge number of consultants also use it. Here's why:

Mostly because it's hassle-free. First off, there are enough ways to get time into the app that you'll quickly find a suitable way for you. Then, there are enough ways to bill clients that you'll also find just as agreeable. It just fits, is what we're saying.

But beyond getting time in, and bills out, you should consider more advanced features like project management, PTO tracking, project revenue charts, and project triangles. Those are the kinds of tools that differentiate a quickie timekeeping app from one you can run your whole operation from.

Watch this video, and read a little more below to help you understand.


The basics of consulting software

There are a lot of consulting time tracking apps. Most of them are pretty basic, and last only a few years before disappearing from the market. Here's why: programmers do a lot of consulting, and think they can jump into the market with an app of their own. So they write one, put up a slick website, and sell a few copies. But they can't really support their creations, so they let them languish before finally pulling down the website.

ST is different. Every year it gets better with more input from consultants who need new and different things.

But the basics are always the same:

"We just need a quick way to enter time, and invoice clients."

Beyond the basic time tracker

Once you get beyond the basics, you're going to start asking for tools to support the client. Even the one-man, one-woman, freelancer needs a few things to automate the client relationship. Like allowing clients to view time and expenses for his projects. That's pretty important, right? The client calls up and wants to know if you worked on a certain thing. You answer yes or no. And then tell them you have an app for that. It's called ProjectBot. Now he's really happy.

And into project management

That's when you really get deep. You're starting to schedule tasks for multiple consultants, and juggle resources. Starting to get tricky yet?

"Could we see a list of tasks for each consultant?"

"Sure, it's right here under Project Tasks"

So now you're getting fancy. It's not just the client you're managing. You've got other issues to deal with before they turn into problems. Maybe you want to see a bar chart of consultant availability. Or a project triangle to balance time, cost, and deliverables. Although those things seem complex, they are really just tools to help manage your consultancy a little better. You're client will welcome the effort you're putting into your business.

And back to the basics again

Just don't lose sight of the fact that you work for your customers. They pay your bills. So you need basic time entry and invoicing to support the basic relationship. That is why consultants and freelancers love ST.

Video transcription:

If you’re a consultant, you probably know this: we love Standard Time®!

It doesn’t matter if you’re a freelancer, small shop, or a full service consultancy. This time tracking app will work for you.

Consider these tools for your consulting practice:

- Client invoicing with milestone billing

- Task lists assigned to each consultant

- Project management

- Graphical timesheets

- Android and iOS, for the road

Get more done, get more customers, and get paid faster.

Read more on our main website here: http://www.stdtime.com/animated/why-consultants-and-freelancers-love-st.htm


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