Print Barcode Labels Using the Barcode Builder App

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Here is one way to print barcode labels so you can track time to the products they go with.

Barcode Labels to Start and Stop a Timer

There are other ways to print bar code labels as well. This one uses an app called Barcode Builder™ that comes with the timesheet.

Watch the video and then try it for yourself.

This video describes one of the ways to print barcode labels for ST. As you know ST can use or interface with barcode scanners to start and stop a timer.

There are several ways to actually get the labels printed out.

You can use Microsoft Word; there is a report in ST that prints the projects and tasks and there is a little barcode builder app which we're going to take a look at.

Avery® Label Template 5160®

That little app will actually use these Avery® labels or any other style label that you like that has 30 labels per sheet. This happens to use the Avery® label Template 5160®. This is the end result. You're going to get the actual labels printed out in sequential order. That's a very specific use, a very different application than just using Microsoft Word for the flexibility of printing labels anywhere.

Let's go ahead and take a look at the barcode builder application. Before we do that; this is the font that you will have to have installed. You can go out on the Internet and find that.

Barcode Font: IDAutomationHC39M

Let's switch over to the app and take a look at how to use that.

The first thing that you'll do is choose a project from the drop down list. You may not have any projects in Standard Time so in this case I'm going to create a new one. I'm going to name it 70991, anything you like you can name your projects. I've created a new project and the next thing you can do is add a prefix to every label. So when it prints out the label number down here it will actually print a prefix before that. I'm going to choose the project number for that prefix.

So this is going to print 70991-1001 for the entire label. You don't have to do that, that's optional. I'm doing it so every label would be unique. It will have the project and task name together. Let's print labels and create tasks button. This button is going to do two things; it's going to create the tasks (I think I want to print 20 of these), it's going to print 20 labels starting with this number. It's also going to create the tasks with the same name as the label. Click this button and create the tasks and print the labels. That's printed out. Let's switch over to Standard Time before we look at the printout.

Over in Standard Time you see the project here in the timesheet. Open that up and you see all of the tasks that are represented by those labels 1001-1020. So this barcode builder app prints sequential numbers, that's all it really does, and it creates the tasks for those.

I switch over to the project tasks tab again you see the project here, you've got all of the tasks, each one has a duration. They're all set to zero now by default but you can change that for how long you think each one of these tasks will take. You get the actual work from the barcode scanner when it scans and gives you the start and stop times and the duration and you have a percent complete. You will see those times in the timesheet after scanning. All I have to do is press the F4 key, I will then scan the employee name, probably then scan the project and a task or if you configure Standard Time a certain way you would scan just the task.

Barcode Builder is Free with ST!

That's how the Barcode Builder app works. It's free with Standard Time just ask for it, we'll show you how to download that and you can print labels that way. There's many other ways to print labels, if this doesn't work for you, you can use Microsoft Word, there's actually a little report in Standard Time that prints the project and tasks. Or you may just have other software that prints barcode labels or you may have the barcode labels printed by something else.

Let's look at the actual printout that comes from the barcode builder app.

So here you're looking at the actual printout. You can see there's 30 labels on this, you can see they're sequential 1001-1020. I've chosen to print the project number with a dash between it. You will have to limit the number of characters you use here because you only get about 14 characters before it just takes over the whole label, it's too long. Let's look pretty good the way it is here. That's how the barcode builder app works.

Let us know if that works for you. If it doesn't again you can use Microsoft Word or that report in ST.


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