Timesheet Pay Periods

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You can view all the days of your pay periods in the timesheet rather than just one week. When you do this you'll also see the number of hours scheduled for that pay period. You can use this to compare the number of hours you've entered with the number of hours expected for the pay period.

    View Timesheets for an Entire Pay Period

Let's say employees are paid on the 15th and last day of the month. In that case, there would be two pay periods. The first one would be from 1 --> 15, and the second would be 16 --> the last day of the month. Set these up, and employees can use them to view hours in the timesheet.

Pay periods are also shown as date ranges for reporting. That means you can quickly choose a pay period date range to see all the time and expenses for employees.

The good news is that there are no special rules for pay periods. You set them any way you like. You will need to set them up for future date ranges so they automatically appear on time sheets and report when the dates arrive.

      This article Timesheet Pay Periods was first seen on http://www.stdtime.com  


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