Whiteboard: QuickBooks Timesheet Integration

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Want a nice timesheet that integrates with QuickBooks? You can send time and expense records to QB for client billing and payroll. Watch the video below, download, and try these steps.

Bill Clients, Pay Employees

"We bill clients in QuickBooks"

"We just need a time tracker to go with it"

Try these steps to integrate ST with QB

  1. Choose Tools, QuickBooks, Import Customer and Jobs
  2. Choose Tools, Projects to see the results of that import
  3. Check the 'Show in Timesheet' checkbox to show Customer:Jobs in the ST timesheet
  4. Click the 'Plus' symbol to open a project in the ST timesheet
  5. Enter hours against a Service Item, there in the timesheet
  6. Choose Tools, QuickBooks, Export Time
  7. Check the QB employee timesheet for the hours you just entered

Now that your hours are in QB, you can use them for payroll or client invoices. ST will take care of project tracking, PTO, vacation tracking. QB will take care of invoicing and accounts receivables. You now have a pair that you can run your entire company from.

Run your entire company on ST and QB

All the core business processes are covered by these two alone. Sure, you have secondary things to manage, but the core stuff can all be run from ST and QB.

"QB and ST are a pair"

Consider what you really need to run your company: You need employee time tracking, a good timesheet, projects and tasks, PTO accruals, expenses and mileage, and enough project management to make customers happy. Get those things in place, and the operation runs like a watch.

Project tracking is a big deal

Project and task tracking is a bigger deal than you might think. Think about the jobs you're billing in QuickBooks. Nearly all of them involve tasks of some sort. The client may not see those tasks, but you do. QuickBooks invoices may not include them, but you care because you have to move through that list of tasks to complete the job. That means you need a task tracker. It's important. You probably also need task warnings to prevent over-runs, completion check-boxes, task timers, Android and iOS apps, and maybe even resource scheduling.

So really, you're looking for something a little bigger than a QuickBooks timer. Sure a QB timer adds up hours, but does it really do the full job? Probably not.

What's PTO doing in this list?

What does PTO have to do with QuickBooks? Why is it something I should care about? Here's why: if you have employees tracking client billable hours, they will eventually want some time off. You're going to need a solution for that, or you'll continue struggling with spreadsheets to do the job. All that spreadsheet work is manual, not automated, so you'll be paying somebody to input numbers.  Why not get a set-it-and-forget-it PTO system? As long as you're getting a timesheet, get vacation tracking for free. It only makes sense.

"QB + ST"

This article Whiteboard: QuickBooks Timesheet Integration was first seen on http://www.stdtime.com


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