Hi everyone, Ray White from Mfg Projects I’m here to introduce you to barcode time tracking on the manufacturing floor. There are a lot of advantages to tracking time right on the shop floor with barcode scanners. Consider these three to start:
1. First, you’ve got work orders or manufacturing projects, but how do you get actual work hours from employees that don’t use computers? Or don’t sit in front of a workstation? The answer is, with barcode scanners. That’s advantage number one, and it’s a big one.
2. Number two; barcode scans are the most accurate way to track projects. No more fat finger, mouse, clicking, fake time entries, trying to remember what you did last Tuesday, or last week. You just scan… bleep, bleep, bleep, and a timer starts. Bleep, bleep again, and it stops. That’s real data; nothing fake about that.
3. Number three; you collect a lot of extra information in just a few scans. The work order, the client, the employee, department, task, phase, status, kind of work, percent complete, not to mention actual start and stop times. This is a river of data coming off the shop floor.
That was just three. There are others you’ll see in these videos.
So, if you want to track actuals on the shop floor verses estimates, barcode scanners are the way to go.
Hey, I’m Ray White.
Good luck on your manufacturing projects!
Read more on our website: https://www.stdtime.com/blog/shop-floor-barcode-scanning-2.htm
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